Monday, 11 June 2012

Anabolic supplyments

Anabolic Androgenic SteroidsI will try to report on anabolic androgenic steroids is an issue as much myth around but also many things that it would also be good to know.

What are anabolic-androgenic steroids?For many people, this issue is already very common, but maybe, just know the bad part, so to speak, of these substances, in this paragraph, is involved, not just how damaging it involves the abuse of steroids EAA anabolic androgenic or cutting, but also the benefits that have good use of the EAA.The EAA are compounds manufactured synthetically, which are similar to the male sex hormone which is testosterone, therefore, are defined as synthetic derivatives of testosterone. The main reason for its development, was aiming to produce a substance which included only high anabolic effect of this, while at the same time exclude the pronounced androgenic effects of it steriod Sales. To achieve this purpose, several changes were made to the chemical structure of the steroid molecule,Because of this, nowadays, the novel compounds are distinguished by developed some have properties more than anabolic androgenic. Structural changes in some steroids cause these have even a higher androgenicity and a reduced anabolic activity, and this partly explains the considerable differences in their impact, effectiveness and common side effects of a steroid. Now most of us would assume that, for fast building muscle mass and strength, we must choose a steroid with a predominantly anabolic activity. ¿You think?. Well ... the answer is no, because the name anabolic steroid, it tells us nothing about the strength of anabolic effect, as it only indicates the relative anabolic androgenic where he was converted.To better determine this relationship and thus be able to classify as an anabolic steroid or androgen, testosterone serves as the same parameter: steroids that are less androgenic steroid testosterone are called anabolic steroids while they are equal to or more androgenic that testosterone are called androgenic steroids.So what's the problem?The problem is that reducing the androgenic effect is linked with reduced anabolic activity, so that material certainly is less androgenic than testosterone and therefore much less anabolic.Androgenic steroids are not only more effective, are also the most dangerous, therefore: the more effective as a steroid, the more androgenic the substance, and therefore it is more dangerous for the organism.How do steroids work?Steroids are taken orally or injected intramuscularly. When injected, it enters directly into the bloodstream, while the tablets reach the liver through the gastrointestinal tract, this substance is completely or partially destroyed or sent into the bloodstream in its original form. The steroid administered is now present in the blood as many steroid molecules, which move around the body through the circulation, each steroid molecule contains a message or information, which tries to convey specific cells of the body, target cells for this purpose have various types of receptors on their membranes, one of these is a steroid receptor, which, for example, is present in large amounts in the muscle cell.The journey towards growthNow, this complex of receptor and steroid molecule travel to the cell nucleus where they bind to certain sequences of nucleic acid sections of DNA, and hence the transcription of the message takes place and where a DNA template is fabricated. Then, the messenger ribonucleic acid leaves the cell nucleus and binds with RNA in the cytoplasm (liquid part of the cell) where an increased protein synthesis takes place. When combined with intense weight training is an increase in the diameter of the muscle cell.After the receptor complex has done its job in the cell nucleus, the steroid molecule returns to the blood and can: o be used briefly for the same purpose or changed to a weaker molecule or ineffective, and if it happens, is excreted through the urine.Testosterone and its derivatives are hormones that have effects in different areas and tissues and can be classified into two groups according to their effect: androgenic and anabolic. The androgenic effect is produced by the fact that this group of substances are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Normally, the body makes testosterone in the testis and hence the hormone produces changes in peripheral tissues and giving the form of secondary sexual characteristics (hair distribution and fat typically male, deepening of the voice, ... .) When the concentration of testosterone in the blood reaches certain amount, the braking estículo production is because it detects that there is already enough hormone. If taking steroids is prolonged, the lack of activity of testicular atrophy will discharge their duties up to sterility. Infertility caused by the consumption of steroids is reversible but not always, everything depends on the dose, the type of drugs consumed and the period of the consumption.The anabolic effect is the effect sought by athletes. Consists of an increased synthesis of muscle proteins (especially actin and myosin) that join myofibrils and increase the diameter of the muscle fibers. However, we must believe that the use of anabolic steroids paves the way towards improved sports performance. There are no shortcuts on the increase and improvement of muscle mass.For the use of anabolic steroids to be effective you must know what their mechanism of action. Testosterone released from the testis or externally taken into the blood, the hormone binds to a specific transport protein. When it reaches the cells in which will produce its effect, the molecule binds to a cytoplasmic receptor and hence are attached to the nucleus to modify the replication of genetic material and hence the protein synthesis. However, the effect of steroids is not achieved only by injecting or taking pills. To be effective anabolic detailed planning is needed workout. The current duty cycle (wear or catabolic phase) and subsequent periods of recovery and overcompensation (anabolic phase) need nutrients and break to take place. During the phases of recovery and overcompensation, food provides nutrients energy and materials to restore the reserves worn during exercise and rebuild damaged tissues. The rest is the period during which occur most metabolic reactions used to reconstruct the body. If rest periods are not sufficient in quantity and quality all you can get is to go into overtraining and therefore a loss of athletic performance. It is absurd to consume anabolic steroids, but even more so if the train, diet and rest are not suitable for planning work that has been established.Another consequence of anabolic steroids is that they do not distinguish the muscle will grow. Likewise also the heart muscle, the myocardium is hypertrophied by the consumption of these substances. Described several cases of myocardial infarction in athletes who have used these drugs.Side effects or adverse reactions resulting from the use of anabolic steroids can be very serious. The media has sensationalized Desgracidamente side effects and more experienced athletes have discredited much of the information pertaining to side effects.However, most side effects are reversible.
AggressivenessThe signs of aggressive behavior in steroid users are also common. Although some athletes think though that this is a positive effect. They often find that lift more weight, train harder and are more minded in their athletic goals. This may be the brighter side of aggressive behavior. But more often the aggression is negative.Many steroid users amaze your family, friends or colleagues with obnoxious behavior. offensive and rigid. The steroid user gets increased aggression can find him / herself incredibly frustrated by events usually tolerable. I saw lifters literally lose their heads while waiting for a traffic light, traffic queues, mail queues, or while waiting to use a machine at the gym. Although generally the athlete does not attack anyone but himself and seems rather crazy when it does, there are few cases where the user is not careful, physically attacking another person. These effects of aggression can be amplified particularly by the use of alcohol. This aggressive behavior is also very deep in those who already have a bad temper or generally show a rigid behavior and offensive. To avoid this side affect athletes can control the use of products which cause strong androgen elevations aggression in most cases. It is also important for the athlete to recognize that this attack occurs. If the athlete does not deny that is capable of suffering, in many cases can control it.The steroid-induced aggression can affect men, women and adolescents alike.Anabolic androgenic steroidsAnabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic substances related to male sex hormones. "Anabolic" refers to muscle-building, while "androgenic" refers to increased masculine characteristics."Steroids" refers to the class of drug. These drugs are available legally only by prescription, to treat conditions that occur when the body produces abnormally low amounts of testosterone, such as delayed puberty and some types of impotence. They are also prescribed as a treatment for body wasting in patients with AIDS and other diseases resulting in loss of lean muscle mass. 

1 comment:

  1. If steroids is properly taken it would minimize the adverse reactions. Bad outcomes happens mostly to those who misused the product. anabolic steroids for sale
